That is the tail in question! There were a few years in the mid-80s when I didn't have it, but that didn't last for long. The traditional look just wasn't me.
I first grew my hair in the mid-60s, which wasn't all that uncommon in those days. But there were also those clean-cut all American boys who didn't approve. They hadn't heard of the Constitution, or freedom of expression, so after I got sucker punched by one of those assholes when I was 16, I decided to keep the hair, no matter what.
It's interesting that Donna came up with the cutting it suggestion today, since I had pondered the idea on my own a few weeks ago, and I don't believe I had mentioned it to her. Politics aside, I'm getting old. I'm not suggesting that age is an excuse to get a haircut, but the fact is, it really doesn't grow much these days. There are always strands that loose their ends and flap in the wind when I'm not wearing a hat, and I don't always choose to wear a hat. So there are logical reasons for a chop-job.
But now that I look at the picture, I'm having second thoughts again. If I have it cut and change my mind, I won't live long enough to grow it back again, so this will be a one-time decision that I'll have to live with. I have to go for a few days of in-service type training in April with a new agency in order to work with a new-to-me client population, so if I'm going to cut it, it will happen before I meet these new folks.
In other news, it was beautiful out today! As far as I'm concerned, it might as well be summer, and I won't be complaining about the weather again until next winter. My back is killing me from doing too much, including chopping wood (lifting it is what actually caused the pain), but being outside was worth it. I checked on the camper, and except for a water problem in the front storage compartment that I'm aware of and protect against, everything was fine. No roof leaks, and no sign of mice!!
Donna just got home from visiting the grand babies, and I'm too tired to start a movie now. But we'll be watching The Secret Life of Bees on the recommendation of a fellow greaser. I'll review it, if I think it's any good. But there are not many movies that I think are very good. We did watch Gran Torino the other day, tho, and it was entertaining. Not the ending I would have written for "Dirty Harry" (although the character's name was something else in this movie) but for the most part, it was, as I said, entertaining. Put another way: I stayed awake through it!
Ok, enough from me.... have a good night! Maybe I'll be back to post tomorrow about my B-day present from my Princess. She says I'll like it better than a um... well... never mind...